Social Inclusion through Communities and Ecovillages in the Baltic Sea Region
Background of SIBREC Forum
SIBREC is a project funded by Swedish Institute, bringing together a variety of partners from countries around the Baltic Sea. Being a team of practitioners and researchers, communities, universities and NGOs we are looking into how the marginalised groups can be included in the society through urban and rural eco-communities. We believe the communities have immense potential to help socially excluded groups. Together we are exploring functioning models, methods and approaches of social inclusion used in communities and ecovillages which can be used in a broader society.
Our focus groups are very broad: people with physical and mental disabilities, immigrants and refugees, rural youth, children with learning difficulties, burnt-out employees and other groups whose voices are often not heard in the mainstream society.
Objective 1: to bring together practitioners, NGOs, academic researchers and decision makers working in the area of social inclusion and communities, and to facilitate collaboration and contacts which could potentially result in new projects on Social Inclusion.
Objective 2: to facilitate creation of the future projects and initiatives within the topic of social inclusion though communities and ecovillages using the created framework consisting of funding opportunities, potential contacts, best practices, policies and strategies in EU.